Well-known social commentator Onjezani Kenani has called for the immediate resignation of Minister of Education Science and Technology (MoEST) Agnes Nyalonje and Executive Director for Malawi National Examination Board (MANEB) Gerald Chiunda over leakage of the ongoing Malawi School Certificate of Education (MSCE) examinations.

This follows leakage of English Paper I and History paper that are currently circulation on the social media especially WhatsApp and facebook and faceofmalawi is in possession of the said papers.

When asked for comment on Monday Minister of Education Agnes Nyalonje trashed the social media reports describing it as hooks.

But MANEB Public Relations officer Mayamiko Chiwaya confirmed of the leakage, saying the English paper leaked minutes before MSCE students started writing the paper.

Writing on his official facebook page Onjezani kenani described this years MSCE examination as sham.

“So, when yesterday we said exams had leaked, both MANEB and the Ministry of Education said we were lying. Today we went further and shared evidence. Now they are saying we shouldn’t have shared evidence because it’s a crime to do so. But this MSCE is a sham. Every single paper has leaked. If we had simply said, without sharing evidence, that exams have leaked, they would have just issued a statement saying it’s not true. Next time, MANEB and the Ministry of Education should take any such news seriously and act in a decisive manner,” wrote Kenani.

He added: “A principal of a well-regarded school has just called me. When he and his team went to collect exam envelopes for their centre yesterday morning, they found one of the envelopes open. They called MANEB at once. Instead of taking action, MANEB simply shouted at them and told them to shut up. The same thing happened this morning. And our ministry of education, instead of investigating, was at the forefront rejecting the rumours. They did absolutely nothing. Everyone simply took tea in their offices then went home. If you do not take action, or if you cover up, we, the people, will bring the truth out.

“Both the Executive Director of MANEB and the Minister of Education must resign over this exam leakage scandal. It’s high time someone took responsibility.”

Effort to talk to Minister of Information Gospel Kazako proved futile.

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