Gay couples have found themselves in hot waters after a judge sentenced them to jail on the condition to be set free when one conceives a baby.

According to reveals that the LGBT community is something the South African government frowns upon since it is not their culture and never has been. If gay and lesbians can’t have children in the normal order of creation, they would be arrested and jailed, the leaders said.

‘We would like to shut them (gay couples) up in a room and see if they can get pregnant; if they don’t, then it’s jail because they have claimed they can have children.

‘To that kind of rot, we say no, no, no!’

Lesbians were not left out as they were also warned saying they should

‘Show us your manhood, You want to make other women your wives and you the husband? Well, that is madness; we refuse to accept that.’

The LGBT community is something that cannot survive in Africa since most African leaders including religious and traditional rulers find it unacceptable and an abomination to the community and the country as a whole.

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