When love is lost between husband and wife a lot is expected. A Bindura man clung to his dear life after his wife locked him and set their thatched bedroom on fire.

The accused, Yolanda Machiri 28- year- old of Chitonho village appeared before Bindura Magistrate Moreblessing Makati facing allegations of attempted murder.

The publication established that the accused tried to burn her 48- year-old husband Chamunorwa Shonhiwa inside their thatched bedroom after they had a misunderstanding.

It is recorded that the two were involved in a fight after the accused, Machiri had left home early and came back late at night without any explanation about her whereabout

After the shouting match, the accused got all angry and went out of the hut, locked her husband in the thatched bedroom which she eventually set on flames.

According to a local publication the Newsday, Shonhiwa managed to hold on to his dear life by breaking the bedroom door and made his way out. He was reported to have experienced some burns on his back and he lost valuables to the fire.
As if that was not enough, the accused is alleged to have mocked her husband as to how lucky he was to have escaped death.

Yolanda Machiri was remanded in custody to November 16, 2020, on charges of attempted murder

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