The conjoined twin girls, who were born at Busolwe Hospital in Uganda’s Butaleja District on Monday, have died on Wednesday as the parents were reportedly struggling to raise money to transfer them to a bigger hospital where they were to be separated.

Initially, it was reported that the twins were in a stable condition.

The Medical Superintendent of  Busolwe hospital, Dr Ivan Wambi, who conducted the C-section after the mother,  Ms Marinza Namulundu, failed to deliver normally, confirmed on Wednesday that newborn babies had passed on.

“It’s unfortunate that the babies have passed on. We  tried to do everything possible to save them,” he said.

Mr Shaban Kiwanuka, the father and resident of Bugosa Village, Butaleja Sub-county, said the death of his babies was painful, adding that he tried to solicit money from friends and relatives but nobody came to his rescue in time.

“I was referred to Mulago hospital on Monday but I failed to raise money needed.  This is so sad,” Mr Kiwanuka said.

He added: “I wish the hospital was capable of handling the situation, maybe my babies would have survived.” Ms Namulundu is said to be in critical condition at Busolwe hospital.

“My wife is also not well as I talk now. And I don’t have any money to take her for better medication. I have been advised to take her to Mbale Regional Referral Hospital but I don’t have money,” he said.

Earlier, Mr Kiwanuka, who is motorcycle taxi rider in Busolwe Town Council,  said he noticed that his wife was carrying siamese twins when they went for a scan during one of the antenatal visits.

“When we went for  one of the antenatal visits, the doctor told us that the babies are conjoined and advised us to go to Mbale Regional Referral Hospital but because I don’t have money, we didn’t go. We remained home until Tuesday when she started feeling labour pains and I rushed her to Busolwe hospital,” he said, adding  that previously, his wife had a normal delivery.

Earlier, Dr Wambi said if the babies are not sharing vital organs, it will be possible to  separate them in Uganda but if they’re sharing  a heart, the couple will have to be referred to India.

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