A video circulating online shows a man believed to have been dead and buried in October last year has been allegedly found breathing in the grave with his corpse still fresh.

Parody Instagram account Tundeednut reported the deceased’s daughter as having confirmed the weird development.

“A dead man that was buried last year October is still breathing, residence digged him out because he was buried in another man’s land, ‘ instead of his own land, but they were shocked to discover that he is still breathing and his body are still fresh, his daughter has also confirmed it.

“People are still yet to figure out how this happened and how it became possible,” the account captioned the video.

In the video, some residents of the undisclosed area seen gathered around as the coffin is exhumed and opened in their presence.

They could not believe that the deceased who was expected to have decomposed was still fresh.

Watch the video here: https://www.instagram.com/tv/CHDjeMYgL0Z/?utm_source=ig_embed

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