Agricultural Development and Marketing Corporation (ADMARC) Acting Chief Executive Officer Felix Elia Jumbe has vehemently protested his suspension at the state institution, saying the reasons are baseless.

On Tuesday ADMARC board led by its Chairperson Alexander Kusamba Dzonzi suspended Jumbe together with ADMARC Director of Finance Harold Mwala and Director of Operations Garnet Gwembere.

According to the MEMO addressed to ADMARC staff members seen by this publication indicated, the suspension was effected on the three to pave way for investigations.

But reacting to the development, Jumbe told one of the local daily-papers that the reasons for his suspension were not in line with his position.

“According to the reasons on the suspension letter, they say it should pave way for investigations into ADMARC loans, the business model of the corporation and that they want to look on the payroll.

But if you look at such reasons that have been given, they are not making sense. For the loans, I found the loans already there and for the payroll, I don’t even have a hand in that,” Jumbe was quoted as saying.

Jumbe was hired by former President Peter Mutharika after dumping the then opposition Malawi Congress party (MCP).

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