Hungarian artist Peter Szucsy has a very unusual yet fascinating hobby – he assembles all kinds of mechanical parts from vintage watches, cameras, and medical equipment into intricate steampunk spider sculptures.

Peter Szucsy has worked as an art director, creating all kinds of virtual creatures and monsters for video games, but one day he decided to start bringing some of these figments of his imagination into the real world as well. Every week, he heads to a flea market near his home in Budapest, where he looks for all kinds of vintage mechanical parts he can use to create his menagerie of steampunk spiders.

“I have made many creatures, monsters, create several world in almost all of the style in the virtual world,” Szucsy  wrote on his website. “But few years ago I felt it is about time to create something different. So… I left my computer, and made lots of my ideas come alive in the real world.”

The artist usually hunts for vintage mechanical parts from old watches, camera or medical equipment, which he then pieces together in his studio to create all kinds of articulated arachnids. Although his works often contain parts from rare and expensive mechanical devices, Peter says that he always avoids taking apart things that a museum would value.

ThisIsColossal recently featured Peter Szucsy’s mechanical wonders, and mentioned that the Hungarian artist plans to open his own online to sell some of the spiders on. Something tells me they’ll all be gone very fast. I mean, just look at these mechanical wonders!

For more awesome steampunk, check out the outlandish wristwatches of Japanese DIY master FRISK_P.

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