The body of the late businessman Genius Kadungure, better known as Ginimbi, will be taken to Dreams Night Club before heading to his rural area in Domboshava where it will be buried.

H-Metro has gathered that a convoy ferrying the casket will pass through the place where Ginimbi died together with three others in a road traffic accident on Sunday.

The casket arrived in the country on Wednesday from South Africa and the burial is set to take place on Saturday. H-Metro quoted its source as having said:

Ginimbi’s burial is going ahead this Saturday and on Friday we are expecting to take the body to Dreams Night Club before heading to Domboshava ahead of the burial on Saturday at the mansion.

The body will be taken to Domboshava and will lie in state in the mansion and later taken to a tent outside to allow everyone to see.

Artistes will entertain mourners at the tent erected outside the mansion since we are expecting a number of local and foreign people to attend the burial service.

Source: Sunday News

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