Prophet Shepherd Bushiri and his wife Prophetess Mary Bushiri have handed themselves to Malawi Police headquarters at Area 30, in the capital Lilongwe, Ephraim Nyondo Enlighten Christian Gathering (ECG) spokesperson confirmed.

The development follows after the country’s security agencies received a warrant of arrest for the couple from International Police (Interpol).

The couple is wanted by the South African government where they were answering charges of fraud and money laundering before they fled the country going against bail conditions placed on them.

Following the couples escape from the Rainbow Nation, the Bushiris have been making headlines on both local and international media on how they left the country and entered Malawi despite that their travelling documents were taken away from them.

However, Bushiri said the fact that they left South Africa for Malawi does not mean that they are on the run but rather preserving their lives saying on different occasions there have been assassinations attempt on him and his wife.

Until today, South Africa was working on extradition process to have the Bushiris back in order to face justice.

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