Frank Mwenifumbo, United Transformation Movement (UTM) candidate during the by-elections held on November 9, 2020 in Karonga Central Constituency is demanding to know where his competitor Leornad Mwalwanda of MCP voted in 2019 tripartite elections.

Aftermath of the by-elections, in which Mwenifumbo lost the parliamentary seat to Mwalwanda, he has been making efforts to prove that the elections were not free and fair.

Among other complaints he presented before the Malawi Electoral Commission (MEC), Mwenifumbo alleged that Mwalwanda was not a registered voter hence not qualified to stand as a parliamentarian.

Through his Kawelo Lawyers, Mwenifumbo has asked MEC to provide details as to where MCP’s Leonard Mwalwanda voted in 2019 tripartite elections.

According to Mwenifumbo, he has information that Mwalwanda was not a registered voter and therefore illegible to stand as a member of parliament.

He has since threatened to seek legal redress if not provided with the requested information by end of business today.

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