A 26-year-old man identified as Oscar Evance has taken his life by hanging himself with a rope in one of the storerooms at their workplace due to pressure of his underperformance at work.

The incident occurred in the afternoon of November 18, 2020 at Chiunda World Vision operation site for indoor residue spraying project.

Until his death, Evance was working as Stores clerk at the said site. It is reported that earlier that day Evance complained to his colleagues about his underperformance at work but never opened up to anyone about the real cause of it despite that his colleagues comforted him.

Few hours later, he sneaked into one of the storerooms and was found dead after he hanged himself with a rope.

The matter was reported at Mangochi Police Station who rushed to the scene and took the dead body to Chiunda health Centre where suffocation has been indicated as the cause of death.

Meanwhile Police is appealing to the public to refrain from taking their own lives whenever they face challenges in life. They should rather seek help or talk to someone about it.

Oscar Evance hailed from Ngwala village traditional authority Chowe in Mangochi District.

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