Cyril Ramaphosa, South Africa President has for the first time spoken to the issue surrounding the escape of Prophet Shepherd Bushiri and his wife Mary Bushiri form the country despite having their travelling documents taken away from them.

According to Ramaphosa, the Bushiri saga is of great concern adding that he is waiting for a report on how the couple managed to skip the country.

“The Bushiri matter has been very concerning to all of us. I’m waiting for a detailed report on the whole Bushiri saga, which I will get, and we will then see what action needs to be taken,” said Ramaphosa.

Bushiri and his wife are currently in the country after they fled from South Africa where they are answering charges of fraud and money laundering.

Yesterday, the couple handed themselves over to Malawi Police authority after the International Police (Interpol) issued a warrant of arrest to the Malawian law enforcers.

The couple is expected to appear in court this morning for bail application and hearing.

Meanwhile, South African Government has officially communicated to the Malawian Government to have the couple extradited t South Africa to face justice.

Bushiri has been claiming that has life is in danger in South Africa and that he will never face a fair trial in the country arguing that officers who are handling his case are the ones he once opened a case against.

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