By Ruth Chinangwa

Local authorities have commended the continued efforts rendered towards the fight against the spread of the novel Covid 19 from various charitable organizations and well-wishers.

Chief Zingwangwa in the area of Traditional Authority Somba made the remarks when a well-wisher Paul Ngwira donated Personal protective equipment at Chimwankhunda primary school in Blantyre.

Speaking to Journalists after the donation, the chief thanked Ngwira for coming forward to assist government in curbing the disease which has greatly affected the country’s social economic development.

He stressed the need for concerted efforts if the country is to win the fight against the novel virus.

On this note he has called on other well-wishers to emulate the good gesture set by Ngwira.

Taking his turn on behalf of Paul Ngwira was his brother Kondwani who said the sole purpose of the donation was to give back to the community.

He added that since they grew up in the same area they thought it wise to take a leading role in developing their area.

According to Ngwira Chimwankhunda primary is their second government school to donate such equipment after they donated at Zingwangwa primary some weeks ago.

Among others Ngwira said his brother has plans to uplift the wellbeing of the elderly in Blantyre city south in days to come.

Items donated on the way were soap, buckets, basins, thermometer, 400 face masks just to mention but a few worth over 600 hundred thousand Kwacha.

And speaking during the presentation of the items head teacher for the school Kitty Chapambali could not hide her excitement upon receiving such a gift and asked for more well-wishers to come and assist.

Over 2000 thousand pupils are expected to benefit from the donation.

As of 21ST of November 2020 Malawi had recorded 6003 confirmed cases of Covid-19.Out of these 5441 had recovered remaining with 278 active cases and 185 fatalities.

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