Police in Mponela, Dowa, have arrested a 38-year- old man for allegedly assaulting to death another man.

The deceased has been  identified as Sandifolo Samison, 35, of Kaliyamba village in the area of Traditional Authority Msakambewa in Dowa district while the suspect has been identified as Inock Makalani Gafwali, 38, of Nyemba village in the area of Traditional Authority Msakambewa in Dowa District.

The suspect committed the offence on November 21,2020 at Enala village in the area of Traditional Authority Msakambewa in the district.

Facts are that Gafwali got married to a certain woman(name with heard) in the year 2015.The two were staying together at Kaliyambe village until the month of October 2020 when they separated due to gender basic violence. The wife went to her home village at Enala village where she was staying with her parents.

On November 20, 2020 Gafwali went to Enala village to negotiate with her wife. Upon arrival at the said village, he entered into the house of her wife, he found the wife in love with Sandifolo Samison.

A fight started between the two, Sandifolo was heavily assaulted by the suspect and he escaped.

The victim was taken to Mponela Rural Hospital where he was referred to Kamuzu Central Hospital on November 21, 2020 where he died while receiving treatment.

Postmoterm revealed that death was due to loss of blood secondary to assault on the head.

Gafwali will appear before the court of law soon to answer a charge of Murder contrary to section 209 of the penal code.

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