Kenyan police in Nakuru have arrested a 34-year-old woman who brutally killed her 3-year-old son so that she could move in with her new boyfriend.

Faith Maritim fatally smashed her son in the head and neck with a blunt object on Sunday night (November 22).

The unfortunate incident happened at the suspect’s home in Kaplamai Village, Kaptagich Location in Kuresoi South Constituency.

Faith, who remains married to her estranged husband, confessed to killing her son so that she could “eliminate baggage” as she entered a new relationship.

The suspect’s husband had carried with him their first-born child — a 5-year-old son — to a nearby farm, when the incident occured.

The woman was arrested at her home on Monday morning (November 23), and upon being interrogated, she confessed to killing the boy so that she could “cut links with my husband as I entered this new relationship with a boyfriend that I have been seeing for a while now”.

“The suspect had communicated with her boyfriend Sunday evening. The two had agreed to elope today morning (Monday). She said she committed the heinous act so as to erase her history with her husband,” Kaplamai Assistant Chief, Edwin Rotich, told K24 Digital.

The suspect is being held at a local Police Station.

The body of her child was taken to a morgue.

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