Police in Dedza have arrested two boys aged 15 for killing a man who took their friend’s cellphone at a Gulewamkulu event.

Dedza police deputy publicist Sergeant Cassim Manda said the fight occurred early this month at Chang’amba village in the district.

Manda said three teenagers, two of which are the suspects, were part of the audience watching a Gulewamkulu dance early this month.

It is alleged that one of teenagers set his phone’s alarm to ring at 9 pm, the time they proposed to go back home.

When village headman Chang’amba heard the alarm, he snatched the cellphone claiming that it was disturbing the event.

Upon snatching the cellphone, Chang’amba surrendered the cellphone to a certain man known as Nyengeni Kabanje to keep it safe.

After watching the Gulewamkulu dance, the owner of the cellphone (name withheld) asked the two suspects to escort him to reclaim his seized cellphone back.

In course of trying to take his phone back, a fight ensured between him and some Gulewamkulu members which included Kabanje who was holding the cellphone.

In an attempt to help their friend get his cellphone back, the two suspects joined the fight and eventually attacked Kabanje whom they hit with a weapon on his forehead.

Kabanje was taken to Kamuzu Central Hospital where he was receiving treatment but he later died.

The death led to the arrest of the two who are expected to answer the murder charge which is contrary to section 209 of penal code.

Kabanje, 52, hailed from Nsekadala village in the area of traditional authority Kachere in Dedza.


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