All hell broke loose when women in polygamous marriage fought over cooking oil resulting one losing a lower lip.

The publication has learnt from H Metro that Lenny Bandwa the senior wife was allegedly bitten by the younger wife Ellen Chuma on November 8, at Madziwire Village under Chief Chivese as they fought over missing cooking oil.

Mashonaland East Police Spokesperson Inspector Tendai Mwanza confirmed the incident saying Bandwa who is the senior wife failed to locate her bottle of cooking oil in her house and went on to search for it in Chuma’s (Junior wife) house.

“This did not go down well with Ellen who reportedly picked a fight with Lenny. “The two allegedly started fighting and as they struggled to out-do one another, Lenny allegedly tried to bite Ellen’s nose but failed.

“Ellen reportedly went on to bite Lenny’s lower lip and removed a chunk of flesh in the process,” Insp Mwanza said.

He said Lenny’s children reportedly came from Harare to pick up their mother ostensibly for medical attention before a report was made at ZRP Nharira Base (Chivhu). “Ellen was arrested and Lenny is believed to be in Harare where she is getting medical attention.”

Insp Mwanza urged people to resolve issues amicably. “Violence should not have a place in any society especially in our homes. “People should live in harmony and any differences should be resolved amicably,” Insp Mwanza said.

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