A long lasting relationships is what we all want. We want to find partners who loves us for us, not for our possessions or wealth or education.

Here are the 5 golden rules for a long lasting relationship

Judge not
People are different as they are created that way. Do not have a habit of judging your lover if you are married. You had all the time during courtship to determine if he/she was the right person you wanted to spend the rest of your life with. If you are not married, make a decision whether you want to be in that relationship or not. Have the courage to leave a toxic relationship if it is not working, or have the courage to live in it without judging. The choice is yours.

Work hard to oil the relationship
A relationship is like a machine, it needs to be oiled to avoid friction. If both of you are broke you are most likely to have more squabbles than a well resourced couple. 70% of a couples’ fights are money related, 20% caused by cheating and the rest other issues. If you work on having enough resources, you will eliminate 70% of your problems. Every relationship need good memories if you want a lasting relationship. Holidays and vacations need to be financed.

Stay in your lane
If you want to avoid head on collisions in the relationship, know your primary role. Women usually take control of home matters, they are the operations managers of the home, from the kitchen to the bedroom. Men are financiers and they only make big decisions especially about allocation of money and resources in the family. This arrangement can be changed depending on the couple’s dynamics but its is very important to stay in your lane.

Be a man, or be a woman
A man needs to feel comfortable in his role as a man in the family. he has to make the decisions and to whip the relationship into direction. A woman as well needs to be in her role as a feminine in the relationship. She should allow the man to have the final say on major decisions be willing to accept them.

Love your woman, respect your man
Allow us to take this court from the Bible because it is relevant. The bible says a man must love his wife, and a wife must respect her husband. These are the most important instructions. A man is not required to respect their woman where as a woman doesn’t necessarily need to love their man for the relationship to last.

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