Well known TV Personality Steve Maseya has advised his colleagues at Malawi Broadcasting Corporation (MBC) to work on investing in property as he has been transferred from Blantyre to Mangochi.

Maseya said this through a statement seen by Face of Malawi reporter when bidding farewell to his colleagues following his redeployment as the DBU Controller Eastern region.

Maseya also known as Uncle Gitabo has served as a Controller of Programmes at the state funded broadcaster Television (MBC TV).

“I would like bid farewell to you after serving for 5 years as Controller of Programmes TV. I have been redeployed to take up a new position of DBU Controller Eastern Region and I will be based in Mangochi,” Maseya said.

According to Maseya, who is alleged to be pro-Democratic progressive Party (DPP) the journey has been exciting, more rewarding and challenging at the same time. Adding that he has learnt a lot of lessons.

“I have learnt quite a number of lessons from you that will help me to face my next task with optimism and confidence,” he said.

He further pleaded for forgiveness from his colleagues as he said that it might happen that in the course of executing his job he might have crossed path, saying it was not/never intentional.

“Once again, let me express my profound gratitude for all the good things and time we had together,” Maseya added.

He then called on his colleagues to continue working hard, be creative and make sure that thy invest in property “if you can while you still productive”

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