In a tragic turn of events, an Air Force of Zimbabwe instructor and a female student pilot died when a training plane they were flying developed a technical fault and crashed at Dabuka in Somabula yesterday.

iHarare reports that, the two Airforce pilots were doing routine training from Josiah Tungamirai Air Force Base when the accident occurred.

The names of the two Air Force pilots killed in the crash were released yesterday. They were identified as Mkhululi Dube, the instructor, and his student was only identified as Sweswe.

According to an eye witness who requested not to be named, the plane which was heading southwards was trying to make a U-turn when it crashed.

“This is usually the training ground for pilots and we usually gather to view their flying prowess. We were surprised when the plane started jerking.”

In the twinkle of an eye the plane had crashed and there was a cloud of dust. We rushed to the scene but we could not help,” said a witness.

Josiah Tungamirai Acting Base Commander, Group Captain Esswein Masuku declined to comment over the incident instead he referred all questions to the Airforce of Zimbabwe Headquarters.

The Airforce of Zimbabwe is still yet to release an official statement on the accident which occurred yesterday at around 2 30 pm.

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