An arm, legs and some flesh belonging to a Kenyan medical doctor who went missing on Wednesday, November 25 have been found inside the stomach of a crocodile, local publication K24Digital reports.

Dr. Samuel Kinanda is believed to have been attacked by the crocodile on Wednesday afternoon, prompting a frantic search by officers from the Kenya Wildlife Service (KWS) and the National Police Service (NPS).

The KWS officers said there were about six crocodiles in the Kilgoris river.

On Friday, November 27 at around 10am, a huge crocodile suspected to have eaten the doctor, emerged from the river to bask on the banks.

As soon as it started moving around, KWS officers aimed at, and shot the animal dead.

The crocodile’s belly was split open and decomposed human body parts found in it.

It is said the deceased’s family members were called and managed to identify their relative by a wristband on the arm that was wallowed by the crocodile.

“We are yet to retrieve his head,” said the police boss.

Police took Dr. Kinanda’s body parts to the Kilgoris Sub-County Hospital morgue awaiting DNA tests to conclusively confirm the deceased’s identity.

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