In a heartbreaking turn of events, a man who resides in Hope Fountain accidentally shot his three children after firing warning shots at party revelers.

Faceofmalawi has established from Zim Eye that a 47-year-old man (name withheld) was arrested on Saturday night after he accidentally shot his three children in his home.

National Police spokesperson Assistant Commissioner Paul Nyathi confirmed the incident which occurred on the 28th of November stating that prior to the incident the man had fired warning shots in the air to disperse a rowdy crowd at a party he had hosted at his dealership.

“The incident occurred on 28 November where a certain man was holding a party for about 35 people. This was around 11.30 PM during a lockdown and people who were partying started fighting,” said Asst Com Nyathi.

However, after dispersing the crowd the man went back inside his house and accidentally pulled the trigger, fatally injuring his three children in the process.

“After dispersing the crowd he went home where his children aged four, 12, and 13 stay and he is said to have accidentally pulled the trigger and the bullet ricocheted off the floor thereby injuring the children. The children were rushed to United Bulawayo Hospitals (UBH) and he was arrested,” said Asst Comm Nyathi.

The man was arrested and currently faces charges of unlawfully firing a gun and violating Covid-19 regulations.

Meanwhile, the three children are currently recovering at UBH.