Hungarian lawmaker resigns after he was caught fleeing a ‘sex party’ during lockdown.

József Szàjer resigned after admitting to breaching lockdown rules to attend a private party.

József Szàjer is a member of the European Parliament (MEP) representing the Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban’s Fidesz party. The MEP resigned from his position after he was reportedly caught fleeing what the media reported as “a 25-man orgy”.

According to CNN, Szàjer released a statement in which he admitted that he had been “present” at a “private party” during lockdown. Sarah Durant, the spokeswoman for the Brussels’ public prosecutor’s office, revealed that the “private party” took place in an apartment above a bar in the historic city center at around 9:30 pm last Friday.

Furthermore, Durant disclosed that neighbors had called the police and “complained of nighttime noise and potential violations of measures linked to the COVID-19 pandemic.”

The politician had tried to flee by climbing down a drainpipe.

Szàjer had leaped out of a window and climbed down a drainpipe to avoid being arrested. The public prosecutor’s office further explained:

“A passer-by reported to the police that he had seen a man fleeing along the gutter; he was able to identify the man. The man’s hands were bloody. It is possible that he may have been injured while fleeing. Narcotics were found in his backpack. The man was unable to produce any identity documents. He was escorted to his place of residence, where he identified himself as S. J. (1961) by means of a diplomatic passport.”

Szàjer released a statement, apologizing for his behavior.

According to The Guardian, the 59-year-old politician had denied carrying narcotics but had nevertheless apologized for his actions. In addition to this, Szájer begged his wife and daughter to forgive him:

A newspaper article appeared in the Belgian press today about a house party in Brussels on Friday, which I attended. After the police asked for my identity – since I did not have ID on me – I declared that I was an MEP. The police continued the process and finally issued an official verbal warning and transported me home. I did not use drugs. I offered to the police to take an instant test, but they did not do it. Police said an ecstasy pill was found. It’s not mine, I don’t know who placed it and how. I made a statement to the police about this. I deeply regret violating the Covid restrictions – it was irresponsible on my part. I am ready to pay the fine that occurs. With my resignation on Sunday I drew the political and personal consequences. I apologise to my family, to my colleagues, to my voters. I ask them to evaluate my misstep against a background of 30 years of devoted and hard work. The misstep is strictly personal. I am the one who owns responsibility for it.

József Szàjer

It is worth noting that József Szájer has played a key role in eliminating constitutional protection against discrimination based on the grounds of sexual orientation in Hungary. Taking this further, CNN reported that Szájer is one of the co-authors of the ‘controversial constitution in 2010 that defined marriage as being solely between a man and a woman’.
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