Bodyguard of former President Peter Mutharika, Norman Chisale is back in court today, for continuation of a case in which he is suspected to have stolen Pithius Hiwa’s certificate which he used to secure employment at Malawi Defence Force (MDF).

Chisale is answering charges of impersonating a person named in a certificate and giving false information to a person employed in the public office.

Earlier this week the state paraded the first witness in the name of Pithius Hiwa who claims to be the owner of the certificate which Chisale used to secure a job at MDF.

In his testimony, Hiwa accused Chisale of attempting to kill him in an attempt to hide the certificate scandal.

The state is today expected to parade its second witness Major General Alick Muhone, Chief of Human Resource at MDF.

More details to follow…

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