The High Court in Blantyre is today continuing to hear a case involving Mlenga Mvula, former Judiciary Spokesperson and Reverend Daniel Mhone.

The Anti-Corruption Bureau (ACB) arrested Mvula last year after reports emerged that he demanded various sums of money amounting to K10, 700,000.00 from the United Methodist Church through Reverend Daniel Mhone, the Executive Church Member and Conference Superintendent.

Mvula has been found with a case to answer on 2 charges of abuse of office and money laundering.

This morning the court head from one of the accused Daniel Mhone who told the court that Mlenga Mvula never received money from the church.

Mhone, has also told the court that the said 2 million kwacha was not from the Methodist Church but from one of their missionaries and was meant for disaster relief package.

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