Malawi’s former Head of State Dr. Joyce Banda who is also a global member of the Women leaders Network has honored Minister of Gender, Community Development and Social Welfare Patricia Kaliati for her role in speaking for the voiceless.

Banda, recognized Kaliati as a champion for women rights at a ceremony which took place at the house of the former president’s house.

Speaking during the event that attracted a wide range of women from all sectors, Banda said Kaliati who just defended her PhD thesis last week deserves to be recognized as an outstanding woman who has stood the test of times and proved beyond reasonable doubt that she is no ordinary person in as far as fighting for women’s rights and speaking on behalf of the voiceless is concerned.

“I want to speak about one champion, a patriot, a mother, a wife and a noble character. This person is one Patricia Kaliati, an accomplished politician, someone who fights for rights of women. She speaks on behalf of the voiceless. This time, I was so happy to learn that she has ably defended her PhD thesis and this is the best time for us to honour her, we are proud of her,” said Banda.

On her part, Kaliati commended the Banda for honoring and recognizing her in such a way.

She said the accolade will go a long way in encouraging more women to be active and participate fully in any meaningful development of the country.

“I am so honored and humbled, I will thank your Excellency Dr. Joyce Banda all my life, I owe you a lot. You have demonstrated characters of a true mother and a leader, we have learnt a lot from you, we learn a lot from you today and we will continue learning more from you. God should always bless you and give you a long life,” said Kaliati.

Kaliati dedicated the honour to all women in Malawi and pledged to continue with her hardworking spirit in the interest of women, children and the vulnerable.

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