The Rumphi First Grade Magistrate’s Court has sentenced 30- year- old Griffin Kaunda to four years imprisonment with hard labour for a series of acts intended to cause grievous harm to his own son.

The court through State Prosecutor Inspector Kelvin Ng’ambi heard that, on June, 23, 2020 around 22:00 hours, Kaunda burnt the left hand of his son on allegation that he stole relish.

He was charged with acts intended to cause grievous harm.

Appearing in court, Kaunda pleaded not guilty to the charge levelled against him which forced state to parade four witnesses who proved the case beyond reasonable doubt.

In his submission, Inspector Ng’ambi prayed for stiff penalty to deter other would be offenders adding that Kaunda’s conduct to his own son was extremely dangerous and uncalled for.

Kaunda asked for leniency saying, he is breadwinner and first offender.

Passing sentence, Magistrate Cuthbert Phiri quashed the mitigation and concurred with the state’s submissions.

He then slapped the culprit with four years’ imprisonment with hard labour.

Kaunda comes from Ulalo village under the area of  Inkosi Jalavikuba  in Mzimba District.

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