A 40-month jail term has been slammed on Chisom Adams after he was found guilty by a court for using a secret sex tape to blackmail his former girlfriend after they broke up.

The 24-year-old man is suspected to be a Nigerian.

Adams had demanded £3,000 from his older girlfriend who is mother of three.

The convict had secretly taped their sex act and threatened to release the video to all her children if she failed to pay him the money he demanded.

According to Daily Mail, the victim, known as MM, had moved out of the country to another to avoid seeing him as she was nursing suicidal thoughts.

However, Adams had sent the sex tape to the victim after which he sent a series of threatening messages on Facebook.

The humiliated victim, who had been dating Adams for a year, offered to pay him £1,000 but instead went to the police and he was arrested.

It was gathered that Adams had previously scrounged thousands of pounds from the victim on several occasions, threatened to stab her and stole a diamond ring from her.

The sex video was not uploaded on a website but it is not clear whether it has been deleted from his phone.

In a statement, the victim said, “I moved away earlier than I intended to because of his behaviour and I never want to see him again. I have struggled immensely and felt suicidal at times. I am unable to discuss this with my friends and family because I feel ashamed and embarrassed about him taking advantage of me.”

The victim reported Adams to the police, and he was arrested in April 2018. The suspect gave no comment or replies.

He had previous convictions for cocaine possession and battery against another former partner.

In mitigation, his lawyer, Mark Friend, said his client, who now has a new girlfriend, had been in debt to drug dealers at the time of his offence.

He added that his client was utterly ashamed of himself, but he has moved on and grown in maturity and has obtained a contract for permanent employment.

However, the presiding judge, Michael Learning, said, “This was a nasty and serious offence of its sort. You appear to have derived pleasure from manipulating your victim in the way you did, which caused her to become distressed and anxious.” The judge after that sentenced Adams to 40 months’ imprisonment.

Adams was also banned from contacting the victim for ten years under the terms of a restraining order.

A Proceeds of Crime Act hearing would take place in March 2021.

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