A 26 years old man from Chingola was this morning caught by his brother’s wife in his bedroom “Masturbating using one of her pictures”
Mrs Monde 30, told police she couldn’t believe her eyes when she tried looking through her brother in-law’s bedroom window coz she was suspecting him of being a weed smoker. To her surprise, she saw him masturbating using one of her photo (below).
“It shocked me and took a video of him practising the act just in case he denies.. He is a danger to me and my female kids at home.. Looking at his behaviour he may end up raping me or my daughters” Peggy Monde told police.
The husband who is still in shock concerning his young brother’s actions, has failed to say a word until his mother from Kafue comes.
The police have collected the video and detained the man. They are now struggling for the charge to slap on him since masturbation is not a crime in Zambia.
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