The Dowa First Grade Magistrate’s Court ha sentenced a 26-year-old man, identified as Emmanuel Anderson, to 8 years in prison for burglary and theft.

The court through state prosecutor Sub Inspector Triza Kalonjere heard that on the night of December 1, 2020 at Moyonsana Village in the district of Dowa, Anderson broke and entered into a house with intent to steal therein.

The court further heard that once in the house the thief stole 16 wrappers, 4 skirts, 2 weaves, 1 pesticide, 1 Bluetooth radio, Dstv decoder and a torch, all valued at K 170, 000.

Appearing before court, Anderson pleaded not guilty to charges of burglary and theft contrary to Sections 309 and 278 of the Penal Code respectively. This prompted the state to parade one witness leading to his conviction.

In her submission, state prosecutor Sub Inspector Kalonjere asked the court to pass a stiff punishment to Anderson, saying he is a second offender who was also convicted by the same court on the offence of house breaking and theft and was sent to prison on December 31, 2019.

Concurring with state’s submission, First Grade Magistrate Amran Phiri sentenced Emmanuel Anderson to 8 years imprisonment with hard labour for burglary and 10 months IHL for theft. The sentences will run concurrently.

Emmanuel Anderson comes from Kamphasa Village in the area of Traditional Authority Msakambewa in Dowa District.

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