ZIMABWE – Samantha’s secret love affair was blown open after Thandiwe got a tip-off that Samantha was always seen with her well-endowed lover at Lupane Business Centre. She sought advice from her aunt.

Thandiwe Ndlovu felt love does not love her after she got wind that her cousin Samantha Sibanda had a fling with her long-time flame.

“Her aunt advised her that she will talk to her (Samantha) but l think Thandiwe felt her aunt was delaying and was boiling with anger,” said a family insider. The family source said Thandiwe took matters into her hands and confronted her cousin. The confrontation resulted in a blazing row.

The row that was witnessed by imbibers, spiralled out of control resulting in exchange of blows. According to Samantha’s friend who declined to be named Samantha rained more blows on her cousin as she was faster.

“She tumbled on the ground. While she was on the ground Samantha stabbed her on the left hand with an Okapi knife,” she said.

The marauding Samantha, the source said, was restrained by one of her friends she was imbibing with. Witnesses apprehended her and took her to a police station. Thandiwe was rushed to St Luke’s Hospital where she has been receiving treatment and was discharged this week on Monday.

Samantha appeared before Lupane resident magistrate Ndumo Masuku facing an attempted murder charge. She pleaded not guilty. Samantha was remanded in custody to next week on Tuesday for routine remand.

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