The Human Defenders Coalition (HRDC) has cautioned the Malawi Government against rushed decision in handling the extradition process of Prophet Shepherd Bushiri and his wife Mary.

HRDC made the call yesterday during a press briefing in Lilongwe.

In his remarks HRDC executive member reverend Mac Donald Sembereka reminded the Malawi Government that Bushiri and his are citizens of Malawi and are protected by the Constitution hence to handle their case with a sober mind.

He further added that government should make it possible that Bushiri’s rights and humanity are not in a way compromised.

He adds that all necessary legal processes and treaties including the SADC Protocol on Extradition should be carefully observed and respected.

Bushiri and his wife Mary are wanted to face justice in South Africa where they are answering charges of fraud and money laundering.

Early November, the couple amused South Africa and Malawi after they announced that they are in Malawi despite being under strict bail conditions in the Rainbow Nation.

The couple was later arrested by the Malawi government after the handed themselves to the authorities but was released unconditionally by Lilongwe Magistrate Court.

Meanwhile, Malawi Government has been given a go ahead by the Ministry of Homeland Security to start legal process of the extradition.

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