You would agree with me that public toilet is definitely not the most fun place to visit.

Many of us do see and use public toilets. Some of us must have observed that there used to be some space between the down part of the door and the floor which leaves the door hanging some inches above the floor.

Many of us must have been wondering why this is always so, right? It’s no big deal though as I will be presenting to you some valid reasons why public doors don’t reach the ground.

1. It helps to reduce improper behaviour which many guys and girls want to do inside it.

2. It makes it easier for someone waiting outside to know whether it’s vacant or not.

3. It makes it easier and more possible to escape in case of any accident. It makes it easier to peep at happenings happening outside, which makes it good for security purposes.

4. It makes it easier to clean even when someone is inside.

9 Reasons Why the Doors in Public Toilets Don’t Reach the Floor

5. It helps to provide a better ventilation and reduces odour.

6. It provides awareness to the person inside to know that there’s someone waiting by the door.

9 Reasons Why the Doors in Public Toilets Don’t Reach the Floor

7. It makes it easier to collect tissue paper and give it out in case there is need for that.

9 Reasons Why the Doors in Public Toilets Don’t Reach the Floor

8. To make you know whether it’s the male toilet or the female’s.

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