Here are five s_xy alternative gifts to a v!brator or lingerie that you can bless your bedroom buddy with.

The holidays are rolling around and it’s time to get your ho(e) ho(e) ho(e) on. When we think about sensual gifts, people are always rushing to get Black Friday/ Seasons Greetings deals on s_x toys. However, this year will be a time to diversify your Christmas list to include a whole bunch of other things.

Here are five s_xy alternative gifts to a vibrator or lingerie that you can bless your bedroom buddy with:

Subscription to premium p0rn: Yes there is a lot of free p0rn out there, but like all quality goods, the better stuff costs a little bit of money. So why not bless someone this holiday season with a subscription to some of their fave digital stimulation. Not only are you supporting s_x workers who are doing the most online, but you also get to have a fun conversation about what they are into and get a sneak peek into what they like to watch while getting off.

Love coupons: Cheesy but effective. Love coupons are sometimes looked down upon as a cheap gift, but with enough time and care, you can create one that speaks to all of your lover(s) fantasies, desires and wants. Did they say they wanted to try pegging? Give them a coupon for three nights of deep penetration with a strap on. Did they say they wanted a lap dance? Give them a coupon for 20 mins of grinding on them to three songs of their choice. You can get these especially made at certain shops if you aren’t good at D.I.Y.

A list of your fantasies: Take the time to sit with your partner(s) and write your top five fantasies and then present them to each other in a safe space. This is a great way of road mapping the sort of s_x you want to have in 2021 and beyond and also, if done right, could lead to some things on the list being ticked off after the conversation. You can then give the gift of sexy (without having to guess what they want).

An er0tic photoshoot: This speaks to the age old idiom: take a picture, it lasts longer. An er0tic photoshoot, which is basically a glorified nude, is a great way to give your person something s_xy while also giving yourself a much deserved ego boost, because yes, you do have a body-ody-ody and are a whole snack. These can be presented on canvas, digital print or even photo paper. Go wild.

Playlist of songs to have s_x to: Gone are the old school days of burning a CD or mix tape – welcome to the digital age. This is a great intentional and sensual gift that is cheap as chips. All streaming platforms allow you to create private playlists that you can easily share, so create one that musically tells the other person everything you want to do to them, with them, on them, under them, near them and then do all of those things to your own private soundtrack.

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