Olga Blessing is the little girl’s name, just a six-year-old girl who suffers from an unusual medical condition that makes her look like a pregnant woman.

Last year, 2019, she was diagnosed with the odd condition.

All began when she started to feel so much abdominal pain.

She visited several clinics where a typhoid fever was told to her parent and some drugs were administered.

There were no improvements after taking all the medication prescribed by the clinic, and instead, they found some swelling in her body, and even her legs began to swell.

A month later, doctors said her little girl had Congestive Heart Disease.

The doctor added that the condition is a cardiac valve disorder.

The doctor says those valves open and close while breathing in normal humans, but in the case of her infant, they are always open. This was what made her baby appear pregnant.

The doctor who examined the girl said that the girl could only get help abroad and that the mother would be advised to fly her away.

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