A young lady identified as Oluhle Thwala has shared her terrible experienced on how she ended up having her private parts ruined after she engaged herself in an entanglement with a blesser.

According to Oluhle, it all started when she and her best friend started going out to places which were filled with rich men with an aim of harvesting money from them whilst admitting that their plans worked.

“We obviously would get a lot of attention because we were really beautiful,” she said.

Oluhle further added that she met a young rich man ho owned a couple of retail shops in South Africa, after seeing how attractive he was, she quickly fell into his trap.

After dating for 8 months, the blesser revealed to her that he has a snake but she gave a cold ear to the news and took the risk.

“We dated for 8 months and that’s when he revealed to me that he has a snake (MaMlambo). To be honest, I didn’t care, as Kong’s s I got my money. I did not know that I would have to, you know, I was scared. He convinced me to sleep with it and I did,” she said.

Despite several warnings from the blesser of the consequences the snake might cause, the lady never listened and continued anyways.

“After 3 months after it started, his wife came back. Apparently, she was doing her Masters at the University of Cape Town, so she came back home to him. I was pissed. I broke up with him on the day I found out. Yho, I was so mad,” she added.

She continued; “A week after that my privates were absolutely ruined. I don’t know what I’m supposed to do. Please help me guys. I’m willing to do anything.”

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