Police in Nsanje are keeping in custody a 34 year old teacher Seda Bonzo for defiling a 15 year old girl.

Nsanje Police Spokesperson Sub Inspector Agnes Zalakoma confirmed the development in an interview with the press.

Sub Inspector Zalakoma said Bonzo was arrested on Monday by police following a tip that he was keeping the minor in his house for three days while defiling her.

Sub Inspector Zalakoma said Bonzo who is also Chairperson for Nsanje Youth Network and a member of Full Council has been charged with defilement which contravenes Section 138 (1) of the Penal Code and is expected to appear before the court soon to know the charges leveled against him.

Until his arrest, Bonzo has been teaching at Makoko Primary School in the area of Traditional Authority Chimombo in the district.

Seda Bonzo comes from village and Traditional Authority Makoko in Nsanje district.

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