The Mponela First Grade Magistrate Court in Dowa, has sentenced a 45 year old man identified as Batiyere Kadzakumanja  to 14 years imprisonment with hard labour for difiling a 12 year old girl

State Prosecutor Bestor Chimberenga  heard that on September 6, 2020 at around 13:00 hours the victim whose mother is epileptic, went to a neighbour’s house to play with her friends.

Whilst playing ,she saw the suspect who called her and  enticed her with a  K200 bank note and asked her to follow him to where her mother was.

On their way,  the convict grabbed and defiled her.

Later on, the other young girls who were passing by the scene, saw the victim putting on her clothes and they revealed about matter  to the victim’s mother.

The convict, pleaded guilty to the charge of defilement  which contravenes section 138 of the penal code.

In his submission Chimberenga, pleaded with the court for a stiffer punishment.

And in his rulling, First Grade Magistrate Anthony Banda sentenced the convict to 14 years imprisonment with hard labour to serve as a warning to other would be offenders.

Kadzakumanja, hails from Malengwasiya village in the area of Traditional Authority Kayembe in Dowa district.

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