Principal Resident Magistrate Viva Nyimba has ruled that all corrupt charges that former Chief Secretary to the Office of President, Lloyd Muhara, former cabinet ministers, Symon Vuwa Kaunda and Charles Mchacha as well as that of Secretary of Defence Bright Kumwembe are answering must start again and be brought to court because the certificate for summary proceedings from Director of Public Prosecution (DPP) was invalid.

Nyimba has agreed with the defence that currently, there is no Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) confirmed by the Public Appointments Committee (Pac) of Parliament.

He has also directed the Anti-Corruption Bureau to amend all the criminal charges before they proceed.

Nyimba has also ruled that the matter cannot be committed to the High Court and has withdrawn all the bail conditions for the accused because more than 14 days have passed without the consent from DPP.

He has since adjourned the matter to February 2, 2021.

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