As cases of the global pandemic coronavirus are still rising in the country, the deputy Speaker of the National Assembly Madalitso Kazombo has tested positive for the novel.

Kazombo revealed this on his Facebook, saying he is currently on self-isolation after testing positive for the virus.

“To all friends and family members, I want to inform you that your son, your brother, your friend, your servant is on self-quarantine after I tested positive of Covid-19,” Kazombo said.

He further added that he strong physically and that the Oxygen levels are not worrisome, whilst being optimistic that he will be healed.

The deputy speaker has therefore urged people that if they feel and experience signs related to Covid-19 they should not hesitate but visit the hospital and get tested to know their status.

He therefore urged people that once they test positive they should not be stressed but stand up for themselves.

“Do not be afraid, get up for testing. Once you are tested positive for Covid-19 smile, dust yourself, be positive and listen to medical instructions,” he encouraged.

Meanwhile, Malawi has over one thousand positive cases as the country is being hit by the second wave of the pandemic.

In June over 3 million people are expected to get the Covid-19 vaccine.

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