Regardless of your job or business, there can never be enough hours in the day to get everything done. As a result, you constantly feel like you are always behind. Having thoughts of not doing enough is just not good for your productivity or your health.

It has always been advised to work smart and not hard, it is, however, still important to work hard too. Below are some ways to work smarter:

Attitude adjustment

You are more effective at work when we have a positive attitude. People with a good attitude take the initiative whenever they can. They willingly help a colleague in need, they pick up the duty when someone is off sick, and they make sure that their work is done to the highest standards. You will never hear them say that their work is good enough because they strive to be better.

Furthermore, a good attitude at work will help you set standards for your work, ensure that you are taking responsibility for yourself, and make decisions easier since they’re based on your intuition.

Make a shorter to-do list

There is so much satisfaction in ticking off completed tasks. However, having a to-do list with 10 tasks that need to be completed come the end of the day can be discouraging. Therefore, when writing out your task list for each workday, limit it to the most important tasks. Then, start with these when you’re at your most productive. Once you’ve completed these tasks, you can now begin to work on the less important ones, which you can note down in a separate list.

Relieve stress

Stress drains you of your energy, affects your health, and puts you in a bad place mentally, not to mention you find it harder to deal with your colleagues. Since it might be impossible to isolate ourselves from stressful situations, your best bet is to find a way to deal with them. Some examples of stress-busting exercises include meditation, exercise, listening to music, pursuing a hobby, etc.


Regardless of the kind of job you do, there will be times when you will have to work with others. As such, you should strengthen your communication and collaboration skills. When you do, you will eliminate unnecessary rework and wasted time from straightening out any misunderstandings and miscommunications. You can start by enhancing your active listening skills and staying on one topic when communicating. Maintain clarity when sending emails or attending meetings, communicate your feelings to your colleagues, and ensure you carry your bosses in your tasks.


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