A 25-year-old Primary School teacher in Mulanje has handed himself over to police a month after escaping arrest for allegedly defiling a 15-year-old Standard 7 pupil.

On December 17 2020, the teacher, Peter Namoto allegedly took the girl to one of the lodges in the district telling her that he just wanted to buy her a drink.

While there, Namoto allegedly dragged the girl into one of the rooms and defiled her.

After the incident, the victim revealed her ordeal to school management who later reported to Chisitu Police Unit.

However, the teacher had already escaped to some unknown destination.

After days of being at large, Namoto turned himself over to the law enforcers on Wednesday, January 13 2021.

He has since been charged with an offence of defilement contrary to Section 138 of the Penal code.

He comes from Mlooka Village, Traditional Authority Mlumbe in Zomba.

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