A 53 year old Zambian man from Kanyama Compound who defiled a 2 year 10 months old baby girl has heaped all the blame on his Solwezi Witch doctor.
After interrogations, Mr Jonathan Mwewa revealed that he was forced to rape the girl on Friday afternoon following the meeting he had with a Solwezi witch-doctor on Tuesday 5th January 2021.
“The doctor told me to sleep with a virgin girl in order to boost my business. It is not really my own making ba boss. I was misled by the witch doctor to rape an innocent child”, said Mr Mwewa as he was crying.
He said he is ready to take the police to Solwezi to show the them the witch doctor who allegedly misled him.
The witch-doctor based in Solwezi rural is originally from Congo DR.
On Friday, Mr Mwewa (a married man with grandchildren) was caught defiling a 2 year 10 months baby girl belonging to one of his neighbour. The girl was badly damaged and she is still admitted in hospital.
The defiler is expected to appear in court on Wednesday 20th January 2021.
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