Prophet Shepherd Bushiri leader of Christian Gathering (ECG) yesterday, handed over Vwaza Community Secondary School of Rumphi district to government.

During the ceremony, held at the school in Hewe, Rumphi District, the Prophet also paid school fees for all the students in the current academic year.

“I was in Rumphi District, Northern Malawi, today – Tuesday the 19th of January 2021; to officially handover to government, “Vwaza Secondary School”. I built this school for the communities surrounding the area,” said prophet Bushiri

To ease mobility of the teachers, the Prophet donated four motorcycles to them; further, to make the school a Maneb centre, the Prophet paid for the funds required.

Bushiri will return to the school month end of February to handover the two teacher’s house and deliver laboratory and library needs

“I will be returning to the school, month end of February; to handover two teachers’ houses, a sports facility, as well as library books and laboratory equipment,” he said.

He also added that during his visit he took time to interact with all the leaners that were enrolled at the school.

Bushiri said what he has done is a direct response to what the word of God says as it encourages people to give.

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