Malawi President Dr. Lazarus Chakwera has launched the Malawi Vision 2063 with a call for the nation to do away with what he called “sin of waste”.

Vision 2063 replaces Vision 2020 which expired on December 31, 2020.

The President says Malawi is endowed with natural resources such as abundant fresh water and fertile lands, but lack of strategic vision prevents the country from translating the same into wealth.

Dr. Chakwera however expresses optimism that Malawians are going to achieve the Vision 2063 because they are hardworking and resilient.

“No nation on earth has people who are resilient and hopeful as Malawians. Their ability to dream is what sustain our courage,” said the President.

However, the Malawi leader bemoans the culture of wastefulness among Malawians, which he says is hampering the country’s growth.

“We must do away with the national sin of waste.  We waste too much time on trivia, gossip and slander. This is what derailed vision 2020,” he said.

Unpacking the vision, Vice President Dr. Saulos Chilima said among others, Malawi Vision 2063 seeks to create a new Malawi with an inclusive wealth and self-reliance.

“It represents broad aspirations of Malawians as all critical stakeholders of the society were consulted,” he said.

He said the vision will have to be reviewed in every five years in order to re-align it with emerging local and global trends.

Dr. Chilima explained that among other implementation strategies, the Political Parties Act will have to be amended so that political parties are required by law to align their manifestos with the vision.

The Malawi Vision 2063 launch ceremony has been conducted via zoom, with participants from African Union and Advisory Youth Council.

The country’s former presidents namely; Arthur Peter Mutharika, Joyce Banda and Bakili Muluzi also participated from their respective retirement homes.

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