1. He Flakes On You All The Time

When a guy is serious about you, it means you’re important to him. He’s going to follow through with what he said he was going to do.

Why? Well, when a guy is serious about a woman, he’s obviously hoping that she feels the same way about him.

He knows that if he treats her like she’s unimportant or flakes on her a lot, she’s going to give up on him and move on. So he makes it his priority to follow through with her.

If he’s flaking on you all the time or cancelling at the last minute, it means he’s not overly concerned about your feelings… which is a big sign he’s not that serious about you.

2. He Doesn’t Let Himself Be Open Around You

Being really open around someone else requires trust. It means that you trust them not to reject you when you’re at your most vulnerable.

In any good relationship, both partners are comfortable being open around each other – because they trust each other. But being open with someone new can be scary.

If he’s never open around you – if he’s always wearing a “mask” or never really lets himself be vulnerable, it means that he’s either too nervous to be open around you, or he doesn’t think it’s worth it.

Obviously, if you’re at the very beginning of your relationship this isn’t as big a deal, but if you’ve been together long enough that you should start opening up by now and he hasn’t, it’s a sign that he’s not all that serious.

3. He Doesn’t Want You To Meet His Friends Or Family

When two people are in a close relationship, they’re not just dating each other. They’re also sharing their lives together.

And that means sharing the people that are close to you.

It’s a classic step in any relationship to meet your significant other’s friends, and eventually, family. Those are the people who he thinks most highly of, and they’re the people whose opinions he most respects.

If he’s serious about you, he’s going to want you to meet his friends and family, not only to show them who he’s dating, but also so that you can see that side of him and grow closer as a couple.

If he keeps you away from his friends and family… it’s a sign that he doesn’t really want the relationship to progress any further.

4. You Don’t Feel Comfortable Around Each Other

Good relationships are all about intimacy. And intimacy can only grow when two people trust each other enough to be truly vulnerable around each other.
If it doesn’t feel comfortable to be with him, or he doesn’t seem comfortable when he’s with you, that’s a huge obstacle to a deepening relationship and to intimacy forming between you.

Great, lasting relationships only happen when you can truly be yourself around someone else and they can be themselves around you, without any fear of rejection.

If it’s not comfortable being together, it’s a sign that you might not be compatible with each other – which is a big sign that things aren’t going to get serious.

5. He Doesn’t Make Time For You

I talked about this a little bit earlier, but it bears repeating: if a guy is really serious about you, then you become important to him.

ou become one of his priorities.

That’s not to say that he’s going to drop everything and spend 100% of his time with you – it just means that he’s going to treat you as important and make an effort to spend time with you and balance his life with a commitment to you in it.

So if he’s always busy, or he’s never really got time to be with you, it’s a big sign that he’s not treating you as an important part of his life – because he’s not serious about you.

6. He’s Not Curious About Who You Are

If he’s really feeling like things could get serious and he’s serious about you, he’s going to want to know everything he can find out about who you really are.

Why? Because if he really sees a potential future with you, he wants to know what that future is going to hold!

He’s going to be really interested in what makes you tick, in who you are underneath the mask, in who you really are as a person, so that he can figure out how far he can see things going between you.

If he doesn’t even have the curiosity to find out anything about you while you’re dating, it means that’s not that important to him… which again is a huge sign that he’s not serious about you.

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