Chairperson for presidential Taskforce for Covid-19 Dr. John Phuka has bemoaned the continuation of mass gatherings such as churches, markets, funerals, public transports among others as factors that are leading the rise of te global pandemic coronavirus in the country.

Phuka was said this in a Covid-29 daily report seen by this publication, adding that the more people are interacting the more the virus is spreading making local transmissions on the rise.

“Today, let me emphasize on the need to adjust our way of like in order to curb the spread of COVID-19 in our country. Mass gatherings including markets, public transport, workplaces, bars, family gatherings, group sports, churches and funeral ceremonies are acting as super spreaders of the disease,” Phuka said.

He added; “I should point it out that the more people interact, the closer in distance the interaction is (less than one meter), and the longer the interaction lasts, the higher the risk of spreading COVID-19. The higher the level of community transmission in an area, the higher the risk of spreading COVID-19.”

Phuka also revealed that a lot of people became exposed to Coronavirus after attending a funeral service, hence his call to avoid mas gatherings if the country is to win the fight against Coronavirus.

He further suggested that precaution measures must be followed at all cost regardless whether the funeral is Covid-19 related or not, adding that there must be changes the way mass gatherings are made.

“Let me point it out clearly that regardless whether the funeral is COVID-19 related or not, precautions have to be taking into consideration, to help prevent the spread of COVID-19 in communities, changes need to be made to the way funerals, visitations, and memorials to the deceased are held,” he said.

Despite that number of people in public gathering was reduced to 50, Phuka said there is a need to limit number of people attending funeral services and that duration for funeral ceremonies must be limited.

“We need to limit the duration of the funeral ceremonies, the number of people attending the actual ceremony, the night vigils have to restricted to the family members, all people are to wear masks properly (covering fully the mouth and nose).,” he added.

Reminding the populace, Phuka said Masks reduce the chances of getting and spreading Covid-19 hence a need to wear masks properly and that all the necessary calls such as social distancing, washing hands must also be followed.

“We should also ensure that there is a provision adequate hand washing stations. It is hard and part of our culture but we have to adjust and change our norms for us to win this war against COVID-19,” reminded Phuka.

Phuka has however asked local and religious leaders to take heed on the message and adjust accordingly saying that it the responsibility of each and every person to reduce the spread of coronavirus in the country.

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