Following an altercation over infidelity, a 35-year-old Zimbabwean man from Fort Rixon in Insiza District, Matabeleland South ripped open his wife’s stomach with a knife before committing suicide.

The incident occurred last Thursday afternoon.

According to The Chronicle, the man Clinton Khalipha (35) of Plot 1 Poplus Farm Fort Rixon, stabbed his wife Pretty Ncube (34) several times on the neck, chest and abdomen before hanging himself.

Matabeleland South Provincial police spokesperson Inspector Loveness Mangena confirmed the incident.

She said Ncube made a report of domestic violence at a local police station saying that her husband was accusing her of infidelity.

Insp Mangena said Ncube was advised to go to hospital since she had minor injuries all over the body while the police went to the crime scene but could not locate the accused.

“Instead of going to the hospital as advised, Ncube went back to her home where she found Khalipha fuming as to why she had reported him to the police and the two got into a heated argument,” said Insp Mangena.

She said Ncube’s mother overheard the heated argument and rushed to the police station and reported the matter.

“Upon arrival, the police found Ncube lying dead on the floor with intestines protruding from her stomach and a deep cut just below her right breast,” she said.

Insp Mangena also said the police proceeded to the bedroom where they found Khalipha’s body hanging from a roof truss.

“We suspect that Khalipha stabbed his wife before hanging himself on the roof truss,” said Insp Mangena

She said the bodies were taken to United Bulawayo Hospitals (UBH) .

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