In Kenya, drama unfolded in a certain area called Kayole where police cornered a man suspected to have killed his ex lover last week.

The Standard reports that police stormed the suspect’s house where upon noticing the law enforcers around his compound, the man sort to hide to the roof of the his house.

The 34-year-old deceased girlfriend, Margaret Muchemi was found murdered last week at her house in Nairobi’s Njiru estate.

The suspect is reported to have set the victim ablaze after murdering her.

The man was identified through calls that he made to the deceased-Margaret Muchemi.

Officers recorded statements of the deceased’ two house helps last week, who told the police that their boss was last seen alive in the company of the ex-boyfriend.

The duo told the police that their boss asked them to take a walk in the estate as she held a meeting with the ex-boyfriend.

When they returned that afternoon, they found the house on fire and it was then that they established that their boss was dead.

The ex-boyfriend had taken off.



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