Police in Kenya are holding a 17-year-old girl who aborted a well-formed fetus in the school toilet and then discarded the remains in a pit latrine.

The form three girl at a school in Yatta, Kitui County was arrested on Friday evening for suspected infanticide, in a dramatic turn of events where she graduated from patient to suspect.

According to the police, the school Principal had rushed the girl to a local hospital for medical attention after she complained of stomach pains.

After her examination, the doctor concluded that the student had conducted an abortion, but was treated and later discharged.

“The medical report triggered a rigorous search around the school compound, which led to the recovery of a folded blue bedsheet tossed in a pit latrine,” police said.

A male fetus approximated 8-months-old was found wrapped with the sheet with a piece of a mosquito net tied around its neck.

She was immediately apprehended, with the recovered body being taken to a mortuary for autopsy.


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